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In thinking about long-term care it is important to consider where you will live as you age and how your place of residence can best support your needs should you become unable to fully care for yourself
















Transferring and Positioning

Our employees are trained to safely move clients in and out of beds, into chairs or wheelchairs, or onto toilets. Proper transferring and positioning in and out of beds and chairs can reduce the risk of bedsores, reduce weakening and stiffening of muscles, and encourage proper breathing and digestion. It also helps seniors be as comfortable as possible.



















Mobility Assistance

Getting out and about offers many physical and mental health benefits to seniors, including lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk for heart problems, osteoporosis, and depression. Being active also can also help seniors improve their quality of life by controlling weight and improving sleep. Our Caregivers, assist clients as needed with getting from place to place to help them stay as active as possible.















Feeding and Special Diet

Eating well is important at every life stage and even small dietary improvements can make a positive impact on how a senior feels. A variety of nutritional problems can arise, however, as people age. Some seniors have difficulty feeding themselves. Others have problems with chewing and digestion, difficulty tasting and smelling, or experience a loss of appetite. Many seniors simply do not want to eat alone.


Our Caregivers help certain clients stay on prescribed diets to prevent or control a wide variety of medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Our Caregivers also help clients eat nutritious diets to promote disease prevention, healing, and healthy living. We make an extra effort to turn meals into enjoyable social time by engaging our clients in conversation over food.












Conversation and Companionship

​Studies show that staying social and engaged increases seniors’ quality of life and prevents depression and cognitive decline. At NCSC, we can provide clients with a friendly company, conversation, and mealtime companionship.















Clean laundry is a must, but for some seniors this chore can be too physically demanding to do alone. We can take care of all laundry needs, either in the client’s home or at a nearby laundromat. Services include washing, drying, ironing, and putting laundry away. Our Caregivers work with clients to make sure laundry is done according to their preferences.


Light Housekeeping

Housekeeping help can prolong a senior’s ability to live independently at home. NCSC  Home Care Services provides light housekeeping services which include vacuuming, dusting, sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms (sinks, tubs, showers, and toilets), cleaning kitchens (sinks, appliances, counters, taking out trash), straightening all rooms, organizing closets and drawers, and cleaning any interior windows that can be reached without a ladder. NCSC Home Care Services can provide outdoor cleaning or maintenance.


















Errands Grocery Shopping​

Illness, weakness, and an inability to drive are just a few factors keeping seniors from working through an ordinary to-do list. Having help with shopping and errands keeps seniors engaged and improves quality of life. We can shop for groceries at their clients’ preferred stores and run errands, such as picking up prescriptions or stopping at the post office. Clients may choose to stay home or come along for the ride as a way to stay active and engaged. We will use any coupons provided.




















Medication Reminder

​Although NCSC Home Care Services cannot administer medications, they can help ensure that clients take their medication as prescribed. We can assist with opening medication containers, reading labels, and reminding the client when it is time for the next dose.






















Meal Preparation

Eating nutritious meals can make health issues easier to manage, help prevent future health problems, help increase energy levels, and keep weight in check. For seniors who have trouble with meal preparation, our Caregivers can cook hot, delicious, wholesome meals, allowing clients to help with preparation according to their ability. Preparing food together can make mealtime a more social and enjoyable experience.
















Toileting and Incontinence Care​

Seniors may feel embarrassed with needing help with toileting and incontinence care, but it is actually a common issue. Incontinence can be caused by a variety of reasons, including stress and disease. When seniors don’t have help, skin infections, unpleasant odors, and general hygiene problems can be a danger—not to mention lead to even more embarrassment.














Bathing, Grooming, and Hygiene

For seniors and children who have physical or cognitive impairments or who fear falling while bathing, having help maintaining a bath-time routine can postpone future decline and disability.  NCSC Home Care Services goal is to assist our clients with their personal care routines so they can look and feel their best. Our services enhance clients’ mental and physical well being, helping them feel positive about their appearance.

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